Tag: endurance
Valencia: my first Sub-3 Marathon (2:59:17)
This post is split in two: If you’re here for the tactics, click here to jump down. Otherwise, keep reading… I remember signing up for my first marathon – Athens – back in 2019 and thinking: “I can run a half marathon in 1h25… How hard can it be to run a full marathon in 3 hours?”…
Running with Spirit
Of all the places I expected to find spiritual Insight, Parkrun was not one of them. I’m fascinated by the psychology and neurochemistry of endurance sport. There are unique mental states available to us that we can only experience when pushing our physical bodies to our limits – and occasionally, beyond them. Science offers us plenty…
Getting closer to the 3hr barrier… Brighton Marathon 2024
Chip time: 3:08:27 “Avoid and reduce stress in the week leading up to your race.” – textbook marathon advice
was hillier, windier, and a few degrees cooler than Milan, but I still got what I came for: a tan (borderline sunburn), a new PB, fleeting moments of mushin no shin (無心の心) and…
Ironman Wales 2022: Full Debrief
How do you even begin to describe one of the most incredible days of your life? To understand why this race meant so much to me, we need to go back to 2018. I’m 24 years old, and I’m in Hyde Park. I’ve just finished a small 10k race in the snow, and I’m standing…
6 Lessons Learned from Paris Marathon 2022
This weekend I ran Paris Marathon, my fifth attempt at the marathon distance (if you include the Ironman) and my third marathon race. Overall, it was awesome! Hearing thousands of people chanting “Allez, allez, allez!” made me feel like I was in the Tour de France, and parts of the course were stunning. I felt…
Triathlon Changed My Life
3 years ago I was inactive and generally unhappy. I wasn’t looking after my body, and I wasn’t really enjoying running at all. Photo on the left was taken during a 10k race in October 2018 that I struggled through and finished in 46:17.
In 2019, I discovered triathlon and fell deeply, madly in…
53x climbs of Swains Lane (Fuji Ascent)
In May 2021, I decided to climb Swains Lane 53 times in order to complete the elevation of Fuji in a day. A lot of friends came out to support, with JH completing the entire challenge with me. It was honestly one of the most meditative, fulfilling days of my life. It’s hard to explain…
Completing an Ironman – why bother?
Answering a question that I get asked a LOT. An Ironman involves:
Swimming 3.6km
Cycling 180km
Running 42km (a marathon) and takes anywhere from 8 hours (7h51 world record) to 17 hours (the cut-off time). But the race is only the tip of the iceberg. Friends and family will see race day and the…
Athens Marathon 2019 (3:36:47)
My first marathon was a humbling experience. One of the greatest and the worst runs of my life. Flying until 25km and on track for 3h6, then got a massive stitch in one side that wouldn’t go away and slowed me to a walk for longer than I’d like to admit. First ever marathon and…