Triathlon Changed My Life

3 years ago I was inactive and generally unhappy.

I wasn’t looking after my body, and I wasn’t really enjoying running at all. Photo on the left was taken during a 10k race in October 2018 that I struggled through and finished in 46:17. 😩

In 2019, I discovered triathlon and fell deeply, madly in love. πŸŠβ€β™‚οΈπŸš΄πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

That year, I lost 8kg from my peak weight in 2018 πŸ“‰

Ran my first sub-20 5k πŸ”₯ (something I had wanted for 7 years but, until 2019, never actually worked for)
my first marathon, πŸ‡¬πŸ‡·
and my first Sprint, Olympic and Half-Ironman triathlons. πŸ…πŸ…πŸ…

My day-to-day mood lifted immeasurably, my sleep improved, and I got back to enjoying running again. 😍

This year, I completed my first Ironman (photo on the right) and got my body into the best condition it’s ever been in. What’s even more exciting is that I feel as if I’m only at the beginning of a long and rewarding journey into endurance sports, and have only scratched the surface of what these sports can offer. 🧭

Basically, triathlon changed my life, and I recommend it (and endurance sport generally) to anyone looking to be a little happier and healthier.


